Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ride for BAYLEN in 2012

Baylen was diagnosed with a type of brain tumor called PNET/Medulloblastoma in November 2009 when he was 3 ½ years old.  His cancer had spread throughout his brain stem and to the front of his brain as well as his spine.  As a part of Baylen’s battle with his cancer, he received radiation treatment and intense chemotherapy.  They were not able to remove any of the tumors with surgery because of their location in his brain.  He was given a prognosis of 40-60% that he would survive with treatment.

Today, Baylen is a happy, sweet 6 year old living with stable brain tumors.  He has been off chemotherapy since the summer of 2010.  He has an MRI and spinal tap every 3 months to monitor the tumors and make sure they are not growing and so far, the results have been good.  It has been a long road to where he is with many challenges.  As a result of his treatments, Baylen has permanent hearing loss and has to wear hearing aids.  He also has seizures caused by the tumors.  Because he was so young when he had radiation, it has had a great impact on him both cognitively and physically.  There will always be a worry about what the future holds for Baylen and if his cancer returns, his chances of survival are very slim.  He is a very special, determined, loving little boy who brings so much happiness to his family and loved ones.  We are all extremely blessed to have him in our lives.  He is an amazing example to all of us and inspires us all every day with his strength and courage. - Angela 

In hopes of having a little cooler temperatures, our Ride will be held on Aug. 25th or a Saturday in September. I will post an exact date as soon as we make a final decision. We are looking forward to making this our best year yet. 

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